Monday, June 15, 2015

Fathers Day for the Nerd I Love!!

A few, like almost 13 years ago, I fell in love and married the most amazing guy!! He is cute and charming and he just plain swept me off my feet! Several years later, and after 3 kids he is still cute and charming, but he is also an amazing Dad. With Father's day around the corner I feel the need to shower him with love and let him know just how amazing we think he is! So I have found a few fun nerdy Father's Day gifts that should do the trick!!

First of all I am not being compensated from any of these sites. The opinions expressed are mine alone. :)
Okay, lets get started.

Let's face it Dad's are pretty amazing, dare I say super!! So to show your Dad just how super you think he is, you can get him a Hero Box from They do different theme's each month, (June's Theme is Billionaire Fight Club, think Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, and Tony Stark),  but if you don't like that month's theme, they have several hero's to choose from like Batman, Captain America, Deadpool, Green Lantern, The Flash, Spider-man, Star Wars, Superman and Wonder Woman. To check out what is included in a Hero Box click here!! Check out the rest of the site too, they have high quality stuff. My husband loves the fit of their hats!!

Next up we have They have things like electronics, gadgets, watches, bags, even grilling things, as well a Father's Day mug. However, they have more than just superhero themes, they carry items from movies, and tv shows too, (even old school like Back to the Future)! We like a lot of their stuff that's understated, things that you wouldn't necessarily notice was themed, unless you looked closer or are familiar with the show. It also shows us who of our friends are secretly just as nerdy as we are!! ;)

Last but not least we have If you haven't heard about Woot before, then you should definitely check it out. It has just about everything you could possibly think of and even a few things you will want that you didn't even know that you wanted. I could go on and on, but really, just check it out.

And one other thing I like about all these sites....the descriptions! Quite entertaining!! So if you haven't started yet, you still have time to get something great for Dad! If you are already done, kudos, but I bet if you look through these sites, you'll find at least one think you wish you would have gotten him!! ;)


Sunday, June 7, 2015

More than just a Costume

Note: this post was a previous post from Sept. 2014.

Aww Comic Con! The place where "nerds" come together to enjoy each other's company, and get recognized for doing what everyone else has been making fun of them for doing all year, but now is suddenly "cool".
This was my second year going to the SLC Comic Con. Last year was so fun watching all the people and seeing all costumes, and celebrities, that this year I decided to try my hand at making some costumes for Bryan and I to wear.
We love the CW show Arrow and decided that my husband would go as Oliver Queen aka the green arrow. And I would go as Sarah Lance aka black canary.  Then we find out Stephen Amell, Manu Bennett and Jon Barrowman from the show will all be there!! What luck!! 
I also decided that I would try my hand at the cosplay contest. So that called for as authentic costumes as possible! Unfortunately after making my costume I found out that we would be unable to enter the cosplay contest! Bummer!
However, all was not lost, I learned so much making our costumes! For example I learned to work with a lot of materials I had never worked with before. I used boning to make my corset, I mixed knits and pleather for my jacket, and did a fly front on jeans for myself and my husband!! Might I also add that I lined the corset and jackets too! Go me!!
But beyond the new skills I acquired, I learned a few things about myself
1-I look pretty good in a sweetheart neckline.
2-Pleather is very hot to wear. Luckily the day we went it never got above 80. :)
3-Just putting on a pleather jacket makes me feel cool!
4-I am way more outgoing and confident when I'm in a costume w/ a mask (and I think it helped that no one knew who I was!)
So besides the crappy long lines and not getting to do the cosplay contest, we had a great time simply being together and enjoying the things we love!
